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Monday, June 28, 2010

Kim's September Selection

I've decided to use the suggestion (can't remember whose it was -sorry!) to have a meeting where we pick an authour, rather than a specific book.

So, for September, I've decided to go with Alice Munro, an iconic Can-lit authour, and one of my favourites. On the wiki site it lists her books, and there are quite a few of her early novels that I have not yet read, so I'm keen to get on that!

Here's the list:
Happy Reading!

Gundel's Book Club Selection

Hey Women,
I don't yet know when my night will be - I am a few people away still; however, I have chosen my selection:

The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano.

As for a food theme, it is still along way off, but my idea is: lonely food. (i know, could i be any vaguer?) the book is about loneliness, so let's see where this takes us. I must say though it is a good thing i alone am not responsible for the food, or else there would be (only) a lot of red wine and chocolate bars!

I live at 840 Norton Ave in a tiny house. Will post more details as we get closer to my date.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

August Book Club at Titi's - Half the Sky

Details of the August book club:

Date: Monday August 23, 2010

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Titi's place 152K Spruce Street, Ottawa K1R6P2 (at Preston and Somerset)

Book: Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Food theme: TBC (watch this space)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Order of Book Club Selections

The order of who is picking which book next is as follows (and the book they've selected, if available):

1. Gesa (June/July) - The Cellist of Sarajevo
2. Nefertiti (August) - Half the Sky
3. Kim (September) - Alice Munro - Your pick! (see post)
4. Dani (October)
5. Gundel (November)
6. Andrea M (December)- Beatrice and Virgil
7. Meghan (January)
8. Jill (February) - The Lacuna, Barbara Kingsolver
9. Anne
10. Andrea B

More on the selections in a future post!