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Monday, June 28, 2010

Kim's September Selection

I've decided to use the suggestion (can't remember whose it was -sorry!) to have a meeting where we pick an authour, rather than a specific book.

So, for September, I've decided to go with Alice Munro, an iconic Can-lit authour, and one of my favourites. On the wiki site it lists her books, and there are quite a few of her early novels that I have not yet read, so I'm keen to get on that!

Here's the list:
Happy Reading!


  1. I can't wait to try out the theme idea! I'm reading Lives of Girls and Women. I've never read Alice Munro so I hope I can manage a second one as well. Look forward to this meeting! Andrea

  2. Hi everyone!

    So I've decided that the food theme will be...(drum roll...) Canadian! what is that you say? Maple syrup! Salmon! baked beans! tortiere! Ketchup chips!

    I'm thinking about making a homemade macaroni and cheese recipe. Post here to let everyone else know what you'll be bringing (but sign your name as I think everyone ends up being 'Dr Hell' if they log in as me!)

    Just a reminder that I live at 448A Riverdale Ave. We do have a long, skinny driveway, but there is plenty of parking on the street.

    Also, b/c we're all reading different books (possibly), I thought it might be useful to think about themes that are prominent in her novels/short stories, or even bring your book and share which story was your favourite and why.

    See you next Wed :)

  3. I'll bring a vegetarian shephard's pie! Andrea B

  4. hey all,
    it occurred to me today that there would be no better canadian ice cream to bring than maple walnut - so that is what i will bring, unless someone has a terrible allergy to walnuts. and i know that this isn't really me cooking, but at least we will have dessert!
